We were designed by God to live in community. Life Groups create a space for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life.
The purpose of the Worship Team is to facilitate and lead the church in their worship of God. Through music, we seek to create a space where people can encounter the power and presence of Jesus! Our heart is to continually grow our culture of worship in D24 Church.

The production team help to make everything happen every Sunday and during our mid week services! Within the production team we're passionate about using our gifts to serve, whether it's building stages, set lights, running sound or helping events run smoothly, it's never dull in production. What drives us in production is simply our love for God and desire to create an atmosphere that enables people to worship him and have a personal encounter with him.
The Media Team looks after a number of different areas such as social media, graphics, photography, video and website. The main goal of the media ministry is to make the word of God as accessible as possible. Our aim is to reach people where they are at, by the touch of a button. We serve closely alongside the Worship and Production community and have some laughs while we're doing it! If you have a passion for serving God's kingdom and have an interest in media get in touch with us.

Connect is about introducing people to the life of the church and helping you feel welcome. The team look forward to greeting you with a friendly smile and connecting with you after service. We hope you feel at home and welcomed into our church family.
Our desire is to raise, empower and release the next generation. We want to invest our time, energy and resources into our children so they grow up knowing that Jesus loves them and has a great plan and purpose for their lives!
D24 Kids Church is a fun packed experience with a fully trained and Garda vetted team, catering for children aged 3 to 12 years.